Career Profile
I am a diligent, self-motivated and analytic computer science undergraduate student at University of California, Irvine. You can download this resume here.
C/C++ C#/.NET Java Swift HTML/CSS JavaScript JQuery
If you want to see the details for projects, please click the tiltes. Also, more projects in github.
- Developing an android mobile & OS app that curates YouTube live broadcasting
- Used REST architecture with Node.js and Express.js framework
- Implemented Bash script to refresh the JSON file
- Android, Java, ExoPlayer, Python, Bash script, Node.js, Express.js, AWS, Postman
- Developed an android app where people can narrow their restaurant choices by using Yelp fusion (v3) API with 3 group members
- The application allows user to make the choice of their muu, then vote for whter should they get food
- Designed the filter feature and Yelp fusion (v3) API with OAuth 2.0 to retrieve the restaurants' data
- Java, Yelp fusion (v3) API, Android, Postman
- Creating a device that improves users work efficiency by indicating when calls, messages etc. are received and using varieties of colors that constantly blinks until the person clicks the reset button
- Built a prototype using Arduino 101 and multicolor LED
- C, Arduino IDE, objective-C, Xcode
- A full-stack online movie sales and streaming website implemented as a Java web application and an Android application
- Imported XML data files into the application database by using DOM & SAX parser
- Used MySQL for database and connected via JDBC and deploy on AWS
- Developed an Android Application for the application
- Java, JDBC, JavaScript, Html/CSS, XML, JSP, IntelliJ, AWS, MySQL, Android
- Modeled a web application that motivates people to keep exercising with gamified group online activities with three other group members
- Worked on the front-end of the main page and back-end for the data retrieval with MongoDB
- Python, Html/CSS, Bootstrap, MongoDB, Meteor
Developing an android mobile&OS app that curates YouTube live broadcasting
Cooperating with deveelopers in South Korea
Taught and assisted 5-10 students with their calculus and linear algebra assignments per day
Helped 2-4 students with Computer Science class assignments per day
Organized and managed a center that provided a weekly Sunday service for people with physical and mental disabilities
Performanced in performing Arts Center each semester.
Served in the Republic of Korea army as a field artillery soldier in charge of the technique and procedure of the manual cannon
The Regents' Scholarship is the most distinguished merit scholarship awarded by the University of California to highly selective outstanding students. The faculty has chosen students for this prestigious honor based upon students' academic achievements, significant accomplishments and leadership.
The Bob and Barbara Kleist Endowment was established through the generous donation from Bob and Barbara Kleist themselves. This award is designated to support undergraduate students who have transferred to UCI from a community college and who are preparing for a career in the computer science field. Students must have a declared major in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences.